Hello, and welcome to what will eventually be a comprehensive archive of everything you need to know to properly build maps in Halo: Reach's Forge mode. That is, and will be, the full purpose of this blog page, as Bungie.net does not allow images in posts. This, being separate, will also prove to protect the information here as, it can never be locked, deleted, altered, or moderated by anyone but me, its creator, and I can make sure that any flaming or troll-la-lolling comments are expeditedly deleted.
Design Theory Lessons (Godly_Perfection/AZN FTW)
Bungie.net Thread
(Image is Link)
Please understand that this is, until further notice, a work in progress and will be constantly changing and being rearranged as more information is added.
There has been a large amount of people wondering how Forge 2.0 works, namely with regards to spawning and objectives, which is what I am here to explain. I will also include some Forging tips and tricks that I've picked up along the way (like how the precision edit mode ACTUALLY works; it is more than just zooming in).
Forge Life has received over 2000 unique views in its 4 week life, going from 20 to 50 to 100 to 200+ hits (non-unique) each consecutive day, it dropped a bit after I moved to a new URL, but we've slowly been catching some more wind and getting back in the game. AWESOME!
[RAGE] If anyone else saw the "Forging Ahead" news story on Bnet, you probably know how much it has displeased me. I actually messaged Urk, but I doubt he even read the message. Keep up with sending people and coming back, those amateurs don't deserve your time.

Current Version:
Forge 2.0 Handbook ver. 1.8 12/24/2010
PDF? (outdated, but still helpful)
Update Log:
9/23/2010 - Original Post.
9/24/2010 - Added blog to cope with visual aides, "Hay Bungie!" and "Hmmm....That Works." Sections, and reworded a few things. Also, added Race aid.
9/25/2010 - Placeholder status for Original Post, Added PDF v1, Quote Zone, and updated "Hmmm...That Works." Section.
9/26/2010 - General Maintenance and editing.
9/27/2010 - COMPLETE tagging chart with ALL tags listed alongside 6 columns of in-depth description.
10/5/2010 - Posted First Stage of Invasion Guide.
10/9/2010 - Fixed all of the broken links and did loads of other maintenance.
10/14/2010 - Posted Second Stage of Invasion Guide, reordered some links.
11/05/2010 - Redesign of majority of Site, Added in Chatbox via Meebo, Announced new Additions, FAQ Page, and began rerouting links and organizing new content.
11/25/10-12/14/10 - Collected information from various sources and testing, began to search for new authors, general editing, and large addition to Pro Tips section. First Featured content from another source, as well as first submissions to The Handbook by outside sources.
- An Index of the Map Design Articles, with Overviews of each one as well as an over view of map design and resources for level design.
Advanced Object Settings [Under Construction]
Pro Tips [Under Construction]
- Information on Topics such as Precision Editing, Rotation Snap, and using items as rulers and other measurement help.
Design Workflow
- An example of the workflow that I usually use when building my maps, useful for those getting started, helps you get an idea of how many different things you actually have to do to make a map in Forge 2.0.
Visual Aides
- Visual representations of a map layout with EVERY objective game set up on them, in positions best set up to fit the map.
Spawning Guide
- An explanation of the items located under the SPAWNING tab in the ITEM SELECTION menu in Forge 2.0. Also discusses good spawning practices.
Game Type Design

- An Index of the Game Type Design Articles as well as a guide written to help create Maps and Game Types that work together, creating an experience rather than just a game.
Specific Game Type Design [Under Construction]

- The Big One, Design recommendations for each specific Game Type, save Invasion, which has it's own.
Crafting Invasion Experiences [Under Construction]
- A guide written specifically for Invasion Design, covers map building, objectives, tagging, spawning, and all.
The Tagging Chart
- A HUUUUGE Chart that covers the applications of EVERY Tag available in Forge 2.0, it also functions as the "required objects" guide for this site, as it lists if Tags MUST be present on items in the map for it to work for certain Game Types.
Un-Orthodox Tagging
- Information on non-intended uses for tags that can prove quite helpful. Don't see something posted? Put it in a comment and I'll add it to the site with you credited beside it!
My Maps
Game Type Archive
- An Archive of the different Game Types I've developed.
Above, you'll find links to the various Pages that make up the backbone of the Site, such as the Home Page, The Index (Again), the Q&A Thread, a link back to the Bnet OP, and a page about me, the Author.
You might also notice the chat window to the left as well. If it says that I'm available, look at the status to see what I'm up to, and start chatting. I might even start chatting with you, if you've changed your "nickname." To do so, just click on it, type over it, and then click in a blank space. To use the chat window, click in the lower white bar, type, and hit enter. Only drawback is that you have to keep a window of the blog open to use it. It does, however, carry over your nickname to the next time you visit, so I'll be able to notice return visitors and the like.
Remember to leave lots of Comments, and head back the the OP at Bnet through the so more people come this way.
Stay l337.
Any pressing questions? Suggestions? Commenting here, send me an email at: cabarry374@yahoo.com with REACH in the subject OR go back to Bungie.net via the link at the top and comment there. I will respond as soon as, and if, I am able. Understand that your questions are subject to being paraphrased, anonymized, and posted with solutions followingx them; please let me know if you would rather be anonymous.